THE CLAN DESTINED: New Audio Sample Posted Online

February 10, 2005

THE CLAN DESTINED frontman Martin Walkyier (ex-SKYCLAD) has posted the following message on the group's official web site:

"Warmest greetings to you all! I hope that everything goes well, and that the New Year finds each of you in fine spirits? Sorry for the lack of updates, but things have been quite hectic for THE CLAN DESTINED lately. Whilst I'd never imagined that setting up something brand-new like TCD would be easy, I would never have thought it could prove to be this difficult. There's been so much happening lately that it would take me many unavailable hours to explain. Several of my friends have said that it would all make a great short story, so possibly I'll release some kind of book with the TCD demo? My father is now 83 years old and diabetic, his rapidly deteriorating health is playing havoc with my sanity — as I'm sure anyone who's experienced an illness in the family will fully appreciate.

"On a far more positive note, things are moving forward nicely with the TCD demo recordings. The cover art is well underway, it's being done by top Irish artist Paul McCarroll ( As some of you are maybe aware, we're doing a cover version of a song called 'T.C. Lethbridge', written by the modern antiquarian Julian Cope ( Doggen Foster (guitar) and Welbourn Tekh (keyboards) of SPIRITUALISED have kindly offered to contribute to this session. I truly can't wait to hear what the outcome of this cooperation will be — I guess that a few of you are anxious to hear some TCD vocals? Well, a rough-mix excerpt of 'Swinging Like Judas' is now available as an mp3 on our downloads page. (Lyrics are on the lyrics page!). It's still a 'work-in-progress', the outcome of a very enjoyable vocal jam I had with Mark Xes and Ema Z. Strange of SINNERGOD a couple of weeks ago. I play the voice of Jesus Christ, Mark does Satan and Ema is Mary Magdalene. How's that for a spot of blasphemy? But all done in the best possible taste I hasten to add.

"To find out more about SINNERGOD, [go to this location.]

"Thanks from the bottom of my heart for the countless, supportive emails you've sent me. I read them all, but have little time to send a personal reply. I'm working with lots of interesting people at the moment; Trying to construct something special for us all, whilst looking after my elderly parents — a very tall order for a short chap! You have never let me down, and in return I shall remain true to my word. Thanks for all your patience, friendship and support — which has been my salvation during many difficult times in the past. There are some truly great things happening at the moment, so keep checking the site for further updates."

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